Life Architecture for Soul and Surrounding is what LASS stands for.
We want to invite you for an inspirational conversation so we can show you how we did let go of all the reasons why we couldn´t live the life we want. We believe strongly that everyone is their own Life Architect.
We invite you for a cup of coffee, tea or chocolate in our Van to have a conversation about:
Life Architecture is about living consciously. It’s a process to designing your life, so that the life you’re living is more and more the life you want for yourself. Therfore you need to know what it is you want, more accurately what your Soul (inner self) wants.
You already know what you realy want, because your Soul knows. Your Soul sends impulses for you to pick up, but our thinking mind is blocking these impulses. When you´re conscious and your thinking mind is quiet, these impulsses come through. If you recognize these impulses you are designing the life you want.
Do you want to look at the reality or do you want to create your reality?
By listening to the impulses from the Soul, you will change and so will your surrounding. Therfore you create a new reality that will differ from the reality that was reflected to you.
Maybe the journey isn´t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it´s about un-becoming everything that isn´t realy you.
PAul coelho
We at LASS belief that we are designing our own life. Therefore we’re all architects of our own life.
Ever wondered if you can design your own life, and if you can, how to do this?
Well, through our belief system. In how we think and feel about our life and the experiences that come with our life.
This Is where it gets interesting. They are mirrors on how you see your life within your belief system.
If something you just read triggers something within you, we invite you to come over for a cup of coffee, tea or Choco and we can go on a exploration on how you and I are architects of our own life´s. We can talk and share about our life´s on how to become an architect of our own life´s and being an inspiration to others, to share the love and light that we are, to share the oneness that we are.
It´s not for free! This will cost you willingness to be open and to share so there can be a real connection. We know this can be hard and scarring enough. These explorations can take away the obstacles you created. Money wise, its for free, we don’t´ charge anything.
That is up to you. Maybe it is enough and you feel inspired to make little changes within you belief system to change the architecture of you life. Maybe you want to go deeper and further than this. Than we can help you too. By doing a journey, a soul journey so you learn to tune in, in what your higher self wants to share with you and maybe the world.